Duncan Madden

Copywriter • UX writer • Travel writer


Timberland is a global fashion brand specialising in urban and outdoor wear. The Modern Trail is a marketing and customer engagement exercise encouraging people to explore and embark on new adventures, be they off the beaten path or close to home.

The Modern Trail homepage

Writer, researcher and commissioning editor

Content agency Mediablaze engaged me on a three month contract to write and commission articles for Timberland's new brand, The Modern Trail.

I wrote features on fashion, travel and history, commissioned and edited features, interviews and articles from freelancers around the world, and created client presentations to pitch for new work.

I also researched and found 'MarkMakers' - every day people doing amazing things who were approached to become Modern Trail ambassadors.

The Modern Trail

  • Feature writing
  • Web copy
  • Web research
  • Commissioning
  • Editing
  • Client presentations

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